
Sunday, January 27, 2019

Acne Free Treatment

Acne is very common among teenagers, and adolescents. No one is really sure what causes acne, or why it is known to form in the teen years. Although scientists don't know what causes it but heredity is at the top of the list of possible factors. Heredity has long been thought to be a large roll in who gets acne. If someone in your family has had, or has, acne, then you are more then likely going to develop it.

Acne can vary from mild to very severe. It is commonly formed when the skin ducts and oil glands start to work overtime. The lining of the duct will actually shed cells which are then moved away to the outside layer of skin. The skin duct clogs and oil is trapped underneath. This plug of the pore is called a comedo. When the plug is below the skin it is called a whitehead, or closed comedo. But then, if the plug pushed up and pops out of the skin duct, pore, it is then called an open comedo, or blackhead. It is called black head because the top of it appears dark, although it is not dirt that is trapped in your skin, and it cannot be easily washed away.

It is important that you do not let having acne restrict or control your life. Here are some tips for and easy Acne Free Treatment.

A honey face mask can be used to help clear up acne breakouts and other skin problems. Simply mix together a paste of honey, milk, plain yogurt, and lemon juice, apply to the face, and let it sit for about 20 minutes. Many people swear by the honey face mask as an acne treatment.

acne free treatment
One of the most dismissed treatments for acne is water. Something so easy as drinking enough water a day is very effective in getting rid of acne. This is thought to be because water is alkaline, with a pH of 7.3, and is considered a natural treatment to become acne free. Drinking at least eight glasses of water a day will help your body get rid of oil and waste toxins that can damage your skin.  Water even helps moisten your skin and keep your pores from clogging. Drinking water will also lower your stress levels and relax your body, letting you get a better sleep. Along with drinking more water, try to lessen your intake of coffees, sodas, teas, and alcohols. These types of drinks are diuretics that take more water out of your cells then they put in.

Although astringents shrink your pores and decrease the appearance of acne for a short while, they are unhealthy for your skin in the long one. For one, they dry out your skin, forcing your cells to produce more oils, and that can lead to acne outbreaks. Also, when your pores shrink, oil is trapped in there, clogging the pores.

A good wash if you suffer from serious acne is a mild solution of salt water. Salt water will clean the oils and dirt off of your skin in the same way a cleanser would, but without the detrimental drying effects of many commercials cleansers that are intended for acne treatment.

Another thing to avoid is stimulants. Stimulants such as coffee, tea, cigarettes, and sugar from sweets and soda should be considered unhealthy for the entire body. These stimulants affect the whole nervous system and brain, and can easily stimulate the oil glands to start producing more oil than usual. These can also trigger stress, which is also bad for your skin.

Watching what you eat is a good way to limit your acne breakouts. Diet does affect acne, so be careful what you eat. Try to stay away from foods that are high in fat, or foods that tend to be greasy. Think low fat foods and you will be just fine.

Egg whites can be a great cheap replacement for acne treatment. You can use raw egg white as a mask to cleanse your entire face, or use just a dab to reduce swelling and redness on a single blemish. Be sure to use a regular cleanser first, to remove oils and dirt.

Alcohol is thought of as one of the best ways to relieve stress, alcohol is also a big contributor to acne. It is an astringent and shrinks pores. Also, alcohol inhibits sleep and can cause stress. You need rest and a stress free lifestyle to have healthy skin.

Scrubbing your skin, along with abrasive soaps should be avoided. They irritate the skin and damage the natural barrier between you and the acne causing bacteria.

One thing that can ensure acne stays away is that you are not trying an acne treatment long enough. Many people are incredibly impatient and expect immediate results. There are no magic cures for acne, so once you start a treatment, give it ample time to work. If you do give it a while and see no improvement, then move on or ask your dermatologist.

Sure, the sun does kill most bacteria, but it also harms the skin. The skin is very fragile, and is harmed easily. The sun acts as an astringent that tightens and clogs the skin pores. It also dries out the skin, and there is also sun spots, freckles, and skin cancer. You should spend 15 minutes under the sun daily.

There are many medicines and cream that are used to fight acne. But so far, maintains a healthy lifestyle is the easiest way to go. It is important to say that by leading a healthy lifestyle, you will not only get healthier skin, but also a healthier body. Changing habits will be hard at first, but in the long run you will have a better general health, and more energy, and clearer, healthier skin.

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